Poetry & Prose

Apocalypse in Montages

What I cannot give you is the impossible,

lust of a virgin,

tears of a crocodile,

tooth of a dinosaur, 

that lived before the tectonic plate of India crashed into Eurasia.

Silent shimmering of the Earth the moment

before a volcano’s eruption.

The tender heart, frozen 

by rainwater in December.

The tongue of fire the second 

the sun hits the Earth.

Cracking, screaming, 


A world overflowing with

laments of women.

Mountains fall into pieces, and 

crust collapses beneath our feet. 

Stars have their destined fate,

well-written centuries before 

you and I were born.

There is nothing that

I can give you 

before the apocalypse hits

but a kiss,

light as the wings of a dragonfly,

on your flinching lips.

2 thoughts on “Apocalypse in Montages

  1. What a fantastic poem! Incredibly intense emotionally, but also so sincere. Looking forward to reading more from you in the future!

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